~ An Hour With You~
I Love My Mommy

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A mother's love is a comfort
As she holds her child close
And croons a lullaby
To calm the fears
And wipe away the tears.
A loving mother strokes your hair
And lets you know she cares
Gently rocking you
Within the circle of loving arms
So there is no need to fear harm.
As your eyes close in sleep
She tucks you in bed
Pulling the blanket up close.
She places a tender kiss on your head
And bids the Lord your soul to keep.
A mother's love is a precious gift
For it never goes away
Your whole life through
Sustaining, correcting and encouraging you...
A most precious gift.
With a mother's love I was blessed
And I shall never forget
How sweet was the feeling
That in my heart came stealing
And lingers there yet.
©Jane Ward Smith
January 5, 2006



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Graphics by A Christian Witness

Music: "Memory"

Sequenced By: Redsal
© Sal Grippaldi, Redsal
Used With Permission
Please Go And Buy His Music


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