~An Hour With You~


If Stars Had Eyes

I wonder what it would be like,
If stars had eyes to see,
Could see through space day or night,
And see all things that be.

They might see beautiful butterflies,
With bright shining colors,
Doing the job God gave them to do,
Working together with others.

Maybe see a mother at midnight,
With a crying baby,
Taking that little one in her arms,
Tenderly love applying.

Or watching a little family,
Dressed in their Sunday best,
On their way to worship their King,
There they would be blessed.

They might watch a father and son,
Sitting on a river bank,
The father showing his little son,
How to catch a fish and yank.

A million good things they could see,
But the evil can disrupt,
Never despair God is aware
The heart of man is corrupt.

Just wait a little while longer,
And in God’s own foresight,
These little stars can look down and see,
God made all things turn out right.

Codell Donehoo©


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Music: "Wonderland By Night"

Sequenced By Jack Hall
Used With Permission

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